November 2022

Good Relationships

Paul explains how the call to walk in wisdom influences our closest relationships. In our families and workplaces, God wants us to have good relationships.

Walking in Wisdom

The Christian who walks in wisdom does more than just choose wisdom over foolishness. That follower of Jesus is led by the Spirit toward positivity, thankfulness and humility.

Imitators of God

As children of a good Father, we want to imitate Him in our lives. As we do, we will walk in love and in light.


As Christians we leave the old selves behind and walk with purpose in our new lives. In the last half of Ephesians 4, Paul contrasts those two ways of living and how they affect all of us.

October 2022

Unity in the Body

Our God has always existed in a unified community. He designed us to live in unity, too. Paul explains at the beginning of Ephesians 4 what it looks like to walk in unity.

Rooted in Love

Because of their new identity in Christ, Paul continues his prayer for the church at Ephesus as he closes chapter 3. He wants God to give them strength and help them be rooted in love. As a result, they will be able know God better.

Glorious Heavenly Places

Jew, Gentile, slave, free, different political parties, etc. are all temporal, worldly differences. What matters is that we live in harmony as God’s temple people who have one foot already in Heaven even as we live in this world. And if Paul suffers for preaching that, or we suffer for living that, it’s all glory!

Spiritual Citizenship

Paul begins Ephesians 2 by reminding the church they used to be dead in sin but now have life because of God’s rich mercy. In the second half of the chapter, he reminds them they used to be outsiders and are now part of the family of God. God’s love and mercy can give us a place to belong.

September 2022

Rich In Mercy

There is nothing we could do to earn the gift of salvation. God’s rich mercy provides it to us. That gift changes how we live.

Clear Vision

After detailing the many blessings of being in Christ, Paul prays for the Ephesian church. He wants them to see more clearly what God is doing, so they can know more clearly who He is. They will not only know God, but they will also be known by Him.

November 2022


When we disagree, what is our first instinct? Do we want to be right? Do we want to win? Do we need to get our way? God calls us instead to be peacemakers.


Self-control is both stopping ourselves from engaging in negative behaviors and being intentional about doing good. We look at one example from the life of Daniel and two from the life of Jesus to learn more about the importance of self-control.


It can be a struggle to set aside our own wants or cultural expectations and consider others first. We see that kind of deference in the life of David in 2 Samuel 9 and in the life of Paul in Romans 14.


God values honesty, and it is a trait that is clear in the life of Jesus. His followers should live honest lives. In Acts 5 and Luke 19, we see examples of dishonesty and honesty.

October 2022


“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” – Luke 2:52
Jesus is our example when it comes to growth. We should constantly be growing in our faith.


In our culture, gentleness is often equated with weakness. The gentleness God calls us to is not weakness at all. In the gospels, we read about many examples of the gentleness of Jesus. He is not weak in those instances where He treats people with gentleness.


Empathy is a trait shown by God, lived by Jesus and expected of Christians. To have empathy, it is helpful to understand the experiences of others and to be honest with ourselves about our blind spots. Who do we assume to be the hero or the villain of the stories we hear?

September 2022


We appreciate receiving mercy but are sometimes hesitant to give it. God is merciful. Jesus is an example of mercy in human form. We should follow His example to be merciful, because we have received mercy beyond anything we deserve.


In scripture, we often learn about awareness using the word “watchfulness.” This week, we see the importance of being aware of ourselves in our life situations and the importance of being ready for Christ’s return.


The Trinity is a community that cooperates in love. God designed us to work in cooperation with each other.  When Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem to lead the effort to rebuild the wall, we witness the obstacles to cooperation and what it looks like to overcome them.

August 2022

In Step with the Spirit

God has always wanted to walk with people. In scripture He is always pleased when His people walking with Him. Keeping in step with the Holy Spirit allows us to walk with God and be directed by Him.

The Spirit of Blessing

One of the greatest blessings of the Spirit is the joy that He brings.

The Spirit of Truth

Jesus told His apostles it would be to their advantage to have the Spirit in them instead of Him among them in the flesh. They probably could not imagine how that would be possible, but the change in their lives in the book of Acts proved Him right. The Spirit guides them and us deeper into the truth of Jesus.

The Spirit of Love

The greatest commands are to love God and love others. The Holy Spirit enables us to love more fully and selflessly than could be explained in human terms.

July 2022

The Gifts of the Spirit

When we see the miraculous works of God in scripture, they often accompany something new in the story and are for the common good. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul talks about several gifts of the Spirit. Although we tend to focus on miraculous things like healing or tongues, Paul uses the discussion to lead to something even more important: love.

Looking for the Spirit

Many of us can see the presence of the Spirit in events from our past. How can we be more aware of His presence now or where He might be leading us? We might begin with being more aware of His presence in today’s events.

The Spirit Who Dwells

God has always desired to dwell with His people. In the Old Testament, He used the garden, the tabernacle and the temple as a place to dwell with His people. In the New Testament, Jesus came to dwell in the flesh. Now His Spirit dwells within us.

The Fruit of the Spirit

If the Holy Spirit dwells within us, the fruit of that relationship should be seen by those around us. The way He shows in our lives grows as we do.

June 2022

The Work of the Spirit

What does the Holy Spirit do?
“This third Person is called, in technical language, the Holy Ghost or the ‘spirit’ of God. Do not be worried or surprised if you find it (or Him) rather vaguer or more shadowy in your mind than the other two. I think there is a reason why that must be so. In the Christian life you are not usually looking at Him. He is always acting through you. If you think of the Father as something ‘out there’, in front of you, and of t

The Spirit of God

It is clear in scripture that the Holy Spirit is divine. Our desire to know everything we can about God should include a desire to learn about the Spirit.

December 2021

Finding Contentment

How can Paul, who has been imprisoned for the gospel, talk so much about joy, peace and thankfulness? He answers that question in the concluding chapter of Philippians. He has learned the secret of the contentment that comes with being in Christ.

November 2021

Finding Joy Together

Paul begins chapter 4 of Philippians with 8 imperatives for living like Jesus. What begins with a new way of thinking works its way through all that we do.

Moving Forward

Paul understands something that would help us all: we’re not there yet. In the meantime, we need to keep moving forward in the direction God wants us to go.

Know Jesus

Identity is a popular topic in today’s culture. Who we are and who we know have a lot to do with how people interact with us. In Philippians 3, Paul emphasizes that the most important thing about us is our relationship with Jesus.

October 2021

Worthy of Honor

In Philippians 1:27, Paul encourages Christians to live “lives worthy of the gospel.” In chapter 2 he says that begins by changing our mindset to think like Jesus, the he closes the chapter by giving examples of two people who are living that life. How are we living?

Shine Like Lights

After explaining how Jesus considered His life on earth, Paul explains how we can be more like Him. When we follow the example of Jesus, our lights can shine to point others to Him.

Think Like Jesus

In Philippians 2, Paul tells Christians that we should think differently. Scientists call it neuroplasticity. Paul calls it having the same mind as Jesus. It begins with thinking of others and leads to God being glorified. 

Live For Jesus

Philippians 1:21 might be one of the most quoted verses in the entire book. “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Paul can make that statements because of what he knows about his Lord. In the second half of chapter 1, he explains what he knows.

September 2021

Good News or Bad News

Several years ago, Ford had the slogan, “Quality is job 1.” For Christians, the gospel is our priority. It comes above other allegiances, interests and activities. The message and its impact are too important to let other things distract from it.

A Healthy Church

Paul is thankful for the church at Philippi and encourages them to continue to be a healthy church. In the first half of Philippians 1, he explains how they can be healthy Christians who bear fruit.

November 2021


On Sunday nights in November, we will be looking at four aspects of prayer using the acronym ACTS: adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication. This week we will talk about how we need why feeling gratitude is not enough. We need to express our thankfulness.


On Sunday nights in November, we will be looking at four aspects of prayer using the acronym ACTS: adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication. This week we will talk about how we need to interact with God and one another about our sin problem: confession.


On Sunday nights in November, we will be looking at four aspects of prayer using the acronym ACTS: adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication. This week we will talk about a frequently overlooked part of prayer: our adoration for God. 

October 2021

Trust Me

When doubts spreads too far, it begins to erode our trust in God. Throughout scripture God’s people struggled with this problem. When we turn to scripture, we can find constant reminders of why God has earned their trust and ours.

I Doubt It

Having doubts that affect our faith often makes us feel guilty, although most Christians will have doubts at some point. What’s important is whether we remain in doubt or get up and move back toward faith. Don’t let your doubt define you.

A Little Faith

Four times in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus challenges his followers because of their little faith. Sometimes our faith is too small. What causes our faith to shrink, and what can we do to help it grow?

December 2021

God’s Comfort

Dillon Proctor brings our Sunday evening lesson this week about the comfort that God provides in difficult circumstances. Dillon is currently involved in ministry training at Bear Valley Bible Institute.

September 2021

The Gospel Is For All

Jesus said that He came for the lost sheep of Israel, but He had several encounters with Gentiles. His interactions with them help illustrate how our obstacles can be overcome by the mission of God.


The Great Commission is a mission given to all followers of Jesus. It is up to Christians to go throughout the world and make disciples who make disciples.

August 2021

A Prescription

James closes his letter with a prescription for what ails us. Whether our suffering is from a medical problem, a sin problem or being too far away from God, the solution begins with prayer and community.

Waiting Patiently

Many people like the book of James because of its practical ideas. In the middle of chapter 5, James brings many of those ideas together to show how we can live and grow in our walk with Jesus.


In the 4th and 5th chapters, James challenges his readers about where they place their trust. Their struggle is familiar to us today. Do we put our trust in our position, plans and resources, or do we put our trust in God?

Planning Ahead

Often the plans we make do not turn out the way we expect. Do we include God in our plans? “God willing” should be more than just words in a prayer. It should be the way we approach all of our plans.

What Really Matters

After talking about wisdom, James explains to us a practical tool to act wisely: humility. Having the right perspective about God, others and ourselves will help us have the right perspective about life.

July 2021

Rare Wisdom

In the second half of chapter 3, James talks about two kinds of wisdom. One is from God. One is not. Either will both shown in the actions of people. True wisdom looks quite a bit like love.

Sticks and Stones

Contrary to what many of us heard when we were kids, words do have the potential to hurt. If we use them in a loving way, they also have the potential to encourage. As Christians we must be intentional about when and how we choose to speak.

Working Faith

If we are people who truly believe, then our belief should lead to action. “We are not saved by faith PLUS works. We are saved by faith WHICH works.” – Jimmy Allen

Playing Favorites

The Christians that James wrote too had a similar problem that people have today: treating people differently based on the category they fall into. In this case, it was rich and poor. God desires that we treat every person we encounter with the love that He has for them.

June 2021

Practice What You Preach

One of the greatest challenges in the Christian life is the gap between knowing and doing. As we strive to bridge that gap, we do not just want to do the right thing. We want doing the right thing to become second nature for us and for others to see Jesus because of that. 

November 2019

Forgiven Forever

How can I know I’m really forgiven? Tonight we look at nine assurances God gives us in scripture, so we can have confidence in His forgiveness.

The Freedom of Forgiveness

As Christians we know that we need to forgive, but sometimes it’s so difficult. Is it really possible, and if so how do we do it? We learn through the teaching and example of Jesus.

October 2019

Let It Go

In 1 Corinthians 8, Paul addresses what to do when two groups with different opinions both believe they are right. Although knowledge is important, all things should be done in love.


There are so many things in life that we wonder about. Sometimes our doubts can stop us in our tracks. God wants us to have peace and confidence, and He shows us the way to find them.

March 2019

The Will of God

Each month in 2019, we will spend one Sunday evening addressing a question submitted by one of our church members. This week we discuss this question, “Do we use the phrase ‘It was God’s plan’ to much?” We will look at the difference between God’s wish, God’s will and God’s plan, and how these things work in our world.

April 2019


On a day that seemed like all was lost and hopelessness reigned, the tomb was found empty. Because of the resurrection of Jesus, we too can experience resurrection. He has overcome death and prepared a place for us.

Encountering Jesus After the Resurrection

Our series on the Gospel of Luke concludes with the lesson from Luke 24. As people encounter the resurrected savior, we can learn some important things about who He is and who we can be.

At the Cross – Part 1 – Introduction

This week we focus on the cross. The thoughts are in four short sections with songs centered around the theme. Singing throughout the auditorium is not recorded. We have included the order of the service with links to each song, if you would like to listen to the service as it was intended. Love is found at the cross.

At the Cross – Part 2 – The Betrayal and Arrest

This week we focus on the cross. The thoughts are in four short sections with songs centered around the theme. Singing throughout the auditorium is not recorded. We have included the order of the service with links to each song, if you would like to listen to the service as it was intended. Love is found at the cross.

At the Cross – Part 3 – The Denial and Trials

This week we focus on the cross. The thoughts are in four short sections with songs centered around the theme. Singing throughout the auditorium is not recorded. We have included the order of the service with links to each song, if you would like to listen to the service as it was intended. Love is found at the cross.

At the Cross – Part 4 – The Cross

This week we focus on the cross. The thoughts are in four short sections with songs centered around the theme. Singing throughout the auditorium is not recorded. We have included the order of the service with links to each song, if you would like to listen to the service as it was intended. Love is found at the cross.

The End of the Road

The rejoicing of Sunday did not last long. By the middle the week of His crucifixion, Jesus deals with betrayal and denial in the midst of the disciples. Still He remains obedient to God’s plan to provide salvation for His people.

March 2019

Just As He Said

As Jesus prepares to enter Jerusalem, things happen exactly as the prophecies said they would. This moment where He is recognized as King is another great reminder of God’s power and faithfulness. We can have faith in what He says.


In Luke 18 and 19 there are two men with two very different needs. The blind man simply wants sight. Zacchaeus is probably hated by his community and seeks acceptance and forgiveness. Both of their lives are immediately made new by the power of encountering Jesus.

Inside Out

The Pharisees and experts in the law that Jesus addresses in Luke 11 have the same problem that many people have: they are so concerned with outward appearances that they forget what is important. God calls us all to be transformed from the inside out.

September 2019

Listen to Him

As we near the end of our “When God Speaks” series, we look at two events in the life of Jesus when God speaks the same message to those present. At the transfiguration, He adds one phrase that is just as important today as it was then: listen to Him.


After so much suffering, God responds to Job with series of questions that remind Job and us who God is and how far His understanding goes beyond our own.

Anything You Want

If God offered you anything you want, what would you ask for? Health? Money? Fame? Solomon could have asked God for any of those, but he did not. God was pleased with a response that might surprise you.

August 2019

The Agony of Victory

After preaching to the people of Nineveh, Jonah gets the response any preacher would want: the people acknowledge their sin and repent. Jonah is not happy about their change or God’s mercy. While Jonah shows anger, God shows compassion.

Back to Work

Jonah finds himself back on dry land as chapter 3 begins, and God presents him with a familiar task: go to Nineveh. Once again, those who do not follow God respond to His power and message. God desires that people be saved.

Calling Out

After finding himself in the belly of a great fish, Jonah turns to prayer. The one who ran from God is forced to remember that God is still in control.

July 2019

Running Away

In the Bible when God gives instructions to go, often the next verse will begin, “And ________ went.” That was not the case with Jonah. He took a ship headed far away. Everyone on that ship learns that God is still there. 

Fix Your Eyes on Jesus

In our world today, people look many places for meaning and many people to follow. As Christians we should always look to Jesus to see who God wants us to be.

June 2019

When God Speaks

God communicates with people many times in scripture through different methods. Each time He speaks, we can learn something about who He is and who He calls us to be.

Following Directions

God has directions for Balaam, and it seems that his intention is to ignore those directions. It takes an argument with his donkey to help Balaam see the power of God clearly. If God can use that donkey, how can He use us?

June 2019

The Capable Church

Christians have created many systems to handle church conflict while forgetting the system God created: the church. The same church that has been able to carry the message of Christ for nearly 2000 years has the capacity to manage its own conflict.

Two Natures

As we continue our series on how Christians should handle conflict, we look this week at how the nature of the gospel and human nature impact our working together. 

May 2019

God’s Greatest Desire

Is it really possible to know what God’s greatest desire is? If we knew, would we want to do everything within our power to make that happen? We can learn a lot about God’s desires based on the commandments He gives.

Pursuing Peace

Romans 14 teaches us how to get along when we have differences of opinion. One of the great challenges of conflict is trying to get the root of the problem rather than focusing on the personalities involved. This week we unpack some practical ideas of how to solve the people problem while pursuing peace.

Passing Judgment

This week we continue looking at Romans 14 and how to handle disagreement. One of the difficulties in handling disagreement is our tendency to assume the motives of others. Scripture tells us that only God knows those motives, and He alone is our judge.

April 2019

Getting Along

Tonight we begin a new series about how to handle conflict as Christians. We know that Jesus prayed that we would have unity. Do we believe unity is possible, and what are we doing to work together better?

April 2019

Humble Yourselves

When we are insulted or offended because of our Christian walk, we can still consider it a blessing and an opportunity. When we humble ourselves and put the gospel and those who need to hear it above our own interests, the world around us can see God more clearly.

March 2019

The Time That Has Passed

As we continue to mature in our walk with Christ, the things we learn should change our attitudes and actions. In 1 Peter 4, followers of Jesus are encouraged to leave their sin in the past and live their new lives by His example.

Suffering For Good

As much as we do not like to experience it, suffering is a part of life. in 1 Peter 3 we are reminded that suffering can result in good things and that Jesus is a great example of that truth. As we tell that story we also know that after His suffering, He won the victory over death. We can share in that victory.

Do Good

In 1 Peter 2, Christians are encouraged to live good lives among people with different standards. Peter shows us how to put that idea to practice as he begins the third chapter. Doing good begins with us, and it begins at home.

February 2019

Your Will Be Done

In 1 Peter 2, Peter describes how part the will of God relates to how we interact with each other. Although we often think about God’s will for us, we glorify Him by honoring others.


What does it mean to be God’s chosen people? It is not as much about predestination as it is about God’s desire to have a relationship with those who follow Him. Although the benefits of that relationship are good, there are also responsibilities for His people and their relationships with others.

He Knows

We learn from scripture that God is all knowing. At times that may bring us comfort, and at times it may cause us to fear. In the end of this chapter we are assured that God’s knowledge is accompanied by a great love for His people. That should help us all remember that we are not alone.

December 2018

God’s Servant

Our Exodus series concludes with a story from Numbers 20 where Moses finally has enough of the complaining and loses focus. He will live with the consequences of his actions, but God never leaves his servant.

God’s Dwelling

Beginning in Exodus 25, God gives instructions on how to build and furnish his dwelling, the Tabernacle. Each element symbolizes something about God and His relationship with his people. And each element foreshadows what His Son will do in the New Testament.

God’s Patience

As the Israelites leave Sinai, we find them in the midst of one of their regular habits: complaining. It’s easy for us to focus on the negative and be overcome by it. Throughout the story, we see God’s patience with His people and reminders of His faithfulness.

November 2018

Approaching God

God’s communication with Moses did not end with the ten commandments. He gave many guidelines about worship, personal interaction and responsibility. Meanwhile the Israelites were breaking the commandments they were about to receive.

God’s Guardrails

Guardrails serve to keep us on the right path and help us avoid danger. In Exodus 20, God provides the ten commandments as guardrails to help His people understand how to relate to Him and to each other.

What God Has Done

Sometimes it takes someone from the outside looking in to help us see things that should be obvious. Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, provides that perspective this week in Exodus 18. He clarifies that Moses is trying to do too much, and the central character in this story is God.

October 2018

God Cares

God’s concern for the Israelites continues after choosing Moses, showing His power in the plagues, freeing them from slavery and guiding them from danger through the Red Sea. He continues to care for their needs along their journey. God cares for each of us, even when we don’t see Him clearly.

God With Us

Our Exodus series resumes this week as the Israelites are freed and heading toward the Red Sea. Throughout the journey, God cares for them and reminds them of His presence.

September 2018


Equipped with a mission, a plan and signs for proof, Moses and Aaron went before Pharaoh with a bold request. Pharaoh quickly denied them and took steps to discourage Israel and those who spoke on God’s behalf. What follows is a display of God’s power over all and His faithfulness to His people.

God Speaks

In the middle of a normal day, God speaks, tells His plan of deliverance and chooses Moses to lead the effort. Moses recognizes that this work needs to be done, but he wants someone else to do it. Moses sounds a lot like us, doesn’t he? God reassures Moses (and us) that we can join His mission because He is able. 

September 2018

Lost and Found

We close out our Parables series with three parables from Luke that teach how much God cares for the lost and what he looks for in us.

August 2018

The Dishonest Manager

It’s unusual to have a parable where someone is described as dishonest and later commended for his actions. This parable from Luke 16 uses unusual circumstances to teach us about how to handle conflict and understand the plight of others.

The Kingdom

In Matthew 13, there are several parables dealing with the kingdom of heaven. These parables build up to the three we look at this week that emphasize the value of the kingdom and the need to be a part of it. It’s for that reason that we share the message with others.

The Tenants

In another parable dealing with a vineyard, we learn about how people struggle with authority. More importantly we see that God loves us so much that He keeps giving us opportunities to make our relationship right with Him.

The Wedding Feast

Jesus tells this parable in Luke 14 to a group of Pharisees and teachers of the law who assume they are more important than most others they encounter daily. It’s easy for us to fall into the trap of seeking honor for ourselves and climbing to a higher status. This parable reminds us that God honors the humble, not the self-seeking. 

July 2018

The Workers in the Vineyard

Often when we study this parable from Matthew 20, we focus on the discrepancy in pay for the workers who have put in different amounts of time working. Instead, this parable teaches about the generosity of our God and His love for His workers. God desires to give us so much more than we deserve.

The Unmerciful Servant

In response to Peter’s question about how many times he should forgive someone who sinned against him, Jesus tells this parable about a servant who receives great forgiveness but withholds forgiveness for another? We learn in Matthew 18 that God forgives and expects us to do the same.

The Rich Man and the Beggar

The snooze button might be one of the most beloved inventions ever for people who like just a few more minutes of sleep in the morning. If we hit it too many times, we might miss something important. In this parable in Luke 16, Jesus warns what can happen when we keep waiting to change our lives and truly follow Him. If we keep hitting the snooze button in our spiritual lives, we could miss the most important thing.

A Friend in Need

As VBS is about to begin, we have an abbreviated lesson this week from Luke 11. God wants us to treat others well because He loves them. He sets the example by listening to our needs through prayer.

Get Ready

The parables in Matthew 25 warn that Jesus will return, and we need to be ready. What might surprise us is how Jesus encourages us to get ready. He spends most us the chapter telling His disciples about the importance of giving and serving others. We must make those things priorities in our lives as well.

April 2018

Beginning and Ending

As Genesis comes to a close, we look at the recap of the stories of God’s people in Hebrews 11. We are reminded that each of these characters is a flawed person whose faith God used to accomplish great things. He still works through our faith today.


Once in Egypt, Joseph moves from being a slave to being a prisoner. In each instance, the Bible tells us that “the Lord was with Joseph.” God works in these situations to lead Joseph to where he needs to be as second only to Pharaoh. Are we willing to trust God through the good and the bad, because we know His plans are good?

The Dreamer

To put it lightly, Joseph’s brothers did not like him very much. He was dad’s favorite, and everyone knew it. In Genesis 37 we see the early part of another generation of dysfunction in the family of Abraham that will take Joseph from favorite, to a pit to slavery. And we will see how God uses it all to be faithful to His covenant.

March 2018


The covenant with Abraham that is fulfilled through Isaac is woven throughout scripture, even into the New Testament. God’s story is a reminder of His faithfulness to His promises. We can still be a part of His story. Knowing His truth brings us freedom.


The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is a difficult one, because many struggle with the concept of the wrath of God. That difficulty is compounded by the issues related to the sin in those cities and how they are approached in our current culture. We learn that there are many sins that intertwine in this story and are reminded of God’s deliverance and His desire that we live lives that are transformed.

February 2018

The Covenant

God’s covenant with Abraham contains promises of assurance, protection and reward. Like us Abraham believes but struggles with letting go of control to trust in God’s ways and timing. God loves to do the impossible and work His plan in ways we can’t even imagine.


As Abram is called to go to a place he does not know to live among strangers, God blesses him and tells him in turn to be a blessing. Regardless of our circumstances, location or how our culture changes, God expects us to be a blessing to the people around us.

Confusion and Clarity

In Genesis 11 people continue to advance in numbers, knowledge and abilities. When they decide to builder a tower to the sky for all the wrong reasons, God affects their ability to communicate. In His time that communication returns for the best reason.

January 2018

It’s Gonna Rain

The story of Noah and the Ark is neither just a children’s story nor just a story of destruction. At its core it is a reminder of the faithfulness of God and how we can rely on His promises.

In His Steps

As people begin to start over outside the Garden of Eden, they are faced with more options. In Genesis 4 and 5 we see the consequences of bad choices, and we are reminded of the importance of walking with God.

April 2018


Before ascending into heaven, Jesus leaves His disciples with instructions for a task they must do. It’s a task that we continue today: making more disciples. That involves so much more than a mission trip or church program. It’s up to us to share the good news of Jesus daily with people we know.

He Is Risen

As we near the end of Matthew, Jesus prepares to finish his task on Earth. He is tried, beaten and led to His death on the cross. But the story does not end there. The tomb is empty. He is risen!

March 2018

Love God; Love People

In Matthew 22 Jesus is asked a question that is intended to be a trap. Of all the commandments, which is the most important? Considering the 600+ commandments taught by the Jewish leaders of His time or even the ten given to Moses on Mount Sinai, how could He choose only one? His answer is profound, and it encapsulates how we should live today. It all comes back to love.

You Are the Messiah

In Matthew 16 Jesus asks His disciples a simple question: “Who do you say I am?” Peter’s confession becomes the foundation for the church that we are still a part of today. He is the Messiah. He is the fulfillment of God’s plan, and He gives us hope in eternity. 

Save Me

Although Peter has the courage and boldness to step out of the boat and walk on water with Jesus, he is quickly distracted and rescued from the waves. This lesson from Matthew 14 encourages us all to keep our focus on Jesus.

Jesus Feeds the 5000

After learning about the death of John the Baptist, Jesus wanted to get some time to Himself and with God. The crowd had other ideas. Rather than reacting in frustration, Jesus had compassion and concern for their needs. What follows is another miracle where Jesus does the impossible and does it extravagantly. Our God can do more than we can imagine.

February 2018


Are you weary? Do you have burdens? Jesus calls you to Him in Matthew 11. God designed us to be people who need to work but also should take time for rest.


In Matthew 10 we are introduced to the 12 disciples (apostles) of Jesus. Jesus gives them instructions about how to go spread the good news and what kind of results they might find. We can have similar experiences today. Whether accepted or rejected, we should continue to share about Him. It’s an essential part of being His disciples.

Have Faith

As Jesus performs three miracles in Matthew 8, we can obviously see His amazing power at work. In the things we see Him do in these stories, we also learn about who Jesus is.

January 2018

Passing the Test

In Matthew 4 Jesus is tested and that testing reveals how we should handle being tested. At each challenge Jesus not only answers with scripture, but He has the understanding of how those scriptures should be applied. God’s word can help us pass the tests of life.

September 2018

By Faith

Our “Heroes of Faith” series concludes this week with a survey of Hebrews 11. Each of these significant characters of the Bible is a person just like us, and their faith allows God to work through them in amazing ways. What can God do with your faith?

August 2018


Onesimus is an unlikely hero, especially since it seems like everyone around him has the power to change his life. He is caught in the middle between Paul who values him as a brother and Philemon who is likely upset with his runaway slave. In his story we see the conflict between cultural norms and the love God calls us to, and we learn that showing that love will encourage others.

The Return From Exile (Zerubbabel, Nehemiah & Ezra)

This week we have a 3-for-1 in our Heroes of Faith series. As the Israelites return from exile, they are led by Zerubbabel, Nehemiah and Ezra to rebuild the temple and wall and renew their covenant with God and His law.

July 2018


When we think of Daniel, we often think of boldness, courage and deliverance. Daniel’s character that is shown in Babylon is a good example for Christians today as we learn how to live in exile. “This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says to all those I carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: “Build houses and settle


Esther finds herself in the right place at the right time to save her people, but she knows that speaking up could bring her a lot of trouble. This week we will see how she chooses courage over fear, how her adversary chooses pride and anger over humility and how the hand of God is working through the entire story.

June 2018


Of all the unlikely heroes of faith in scripture, Rahab may be the most unlikely. She was a prostitute and a resident of the land the Israelites were preparing to conquer. Her decision to help the spies that Joshua sent into the land changed her path in ways she could never have imagined. If God can use Rahab, He can surely use you!


Joshua first comes on the scene as a spy who shows faith and later follows Moses as God’s leader of Israel. Through it all his courage helps us see the power of God at work.


As God’s people again did evil in His eyes, they struggled to see where He was and why bad things were happening to them. Through Gideon, God brings a great victory in a way that magnifies His power and shows His faithfulness.

May 2018


We begin a new series on Sunday evenings this week dealing with Bible heroes. These people of faith were flawed, but God was able to do great things through them in spite of their flaws. The story of Samson is a great example of that. God grants a victory over the Philistines, but Samson is fully broken by his own actions first.

April 2024

Believe It or Not

March 2024

Risen Savior

Be Glorified

Don’t Be Troubled

A New Commandment

February 2024

The Good Shepherd

Spiritual Blindness


January 2024

To Whom Shall We Go

Seeking Glory

October 2022

Glorious Heavenly Places

Jew, Gentile, slave, free, different political parties, etc. are all temporal, worldly differences. What matters is that we live in harmony as God’s temple people who have one foot already in Heaven even as we live in this world. And if Paul suffers for preaching that, or we suffer for living that, it’s all glory!

January 2022

The Road to Greatness

Moses shows us that the road to greatness begins by realizing we aren’t adequate in ourselves to achieve great things. But that doesn’t matter because God, the I AM, is more than able to do great things through us if we follow His lead.

September 2021

Missions Report

Continuing our month focused on missions, David Dirrim brings a report on some of Southwest’s mission efforts around the world.

July 2021

Good Grief

“Good Grief”  Is that possible? Can grief ever be good? Consider some good things that scripture tells us we can learn through the agony of grief: Refocusing our hope – Becoming a more useful person – Understanding the heart of God.

November 2020

God Is Good

God IS good and therefore we can ultimately trust him. However, humanity has always faced the challenged of believing God’s way is the best and not trying to make life work on our terms. That is true in the story of Genesis and remains our challenge today.

September 2020

We Will. We Won’t. He does.

There is a pattern seen in the early days of Israel’s journey to the promised land that too often is ours as well. We say we will follow God but then we fail time and time again. More rules can’t fix it. Only the grace brought to us through Christ can give us hope.

August 2020

Did They Ever Call Him Barney?

His real name was Joseph. They nicknamed him Barnabas, “Son of Encouragement.” He encouraged the poor, the powerful, the non-elite and those others gave up on. How could much could we change our slice of the world if we could be more like him?

January 2020

Missions Report – Haiti

David Dirrim gives an update on our missions program with specific emphasis on the work with children and widows in Haiti.

December 2019

Happy Holydays

When we speak of “Holidays” at the root of that word is the idea that certain days are “HOLY.” In particular, Thanksgiving, Christmas and even New Years are “holy” because of their association with God our creator and provider, and Jesus our savior. What is intriguing is that we too are made holy because of association with the Father and Son. Because of their work, we who are unclean and unholy are made pure and welcomed into fellowship with God.

October 2019

But We See Jesus

We are constantly challenged to understand what is real and true. Scripture reminds us that, regardless of how things may appear on the surface, God and Jesus are always present and directing the affairs of all creation. That may not always appear to be the case, but it is the reality in which we can find hope.
