August 2022

In Step with the Spirit

God has always wanted to walk with people. In scripture He is always pleased when His people walking with Him. Keeping in step with the Holy Spirit allows us to walk with God and be directed by Him.  

The Spirit of Blessing

One of the greatest blessings of the Spirit is the joy that He brings.  

The Spirit of Truth

Jesus told His apostles it would be to their advantage to have the Spirit in them instead of Him among them in the flesh. They probably could not imagine how that would be possible, but the change in their lives in the book of Acts proved Him right. The Spirit guides them and us deeper […]

The Spirit of Love

The greatest commands are to love God and love others. The Holy Spirit enables us to love more fully and selflessly than could be explained in human terms.  

July 2022

The Gifts of the Spirit

When we see the miraculous works of God in scripture, they often accompany something new in the story and are for the common good. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul talks about several gifts of the Spirit. Although we tend to focus on miraculous things like healing or tongues, Paul uses the discussion to lead to […]

Looking for the Spirit

Many of us can see the presence of the Spirit in events from our past. How can we be more aware of His presence now or where He might be leading us? We might begin with being more aware of His presence in today’s events.  

The Spirit Who Dwells

God has always desired to dwell with His people. In the Old Testament, He used the garden, the tabernacle and the temple as a place to dwell with His people. In the New Testament, Jesus came to dwell in the flesh. Now His Spirit dwells within us.  

The Fruit of the Spirit

If the Holy Spirit dwells within us, the fruit of that relationship should be seen by those around us. The way He shows in our lives grows as we do.  

June 2022

The Work of the Spirit

What does the Holy Spirit do?   “This third Person is called, in technical language, the Holy Ghost or the ‘spirit’ of God. Do not be worried or surprised if you find it (or Him) rather vaguer or more shadowy in your mind than the other two. I think there is a reason why that […]

The Spirit of God

It is clear in scripture that the Holy Spirit is divine. Our desire to know everything we can about God should include a desire to learn about the Spirit.