December 2021
Finding Contentment
How can Paul, who has been imprisoned for the gospel, talk so much about joy, peace and thankfulness? He answers that question in the concluding chapter of Philippians. He has learned the secret of the contentment that comes with being in Christ.
November 2021
Finding Joy Together
Paul begins chapter 4 of Philippians with 8 imperatives for living like Jesus. What begins with a new way of thinking works its way through all that we do.
Moving Forward
Paul understands something that would help us all: we’re not there yet. In the meantime, we need to keep moving forward in the direction God wants us to go.
Know Jesus
Identity is a popular topic in today’s culture. Who we are and who we know have a lot to do with how people interact with us. In Philippians 3, Paul emphasizes that the most important thing about us is our relationship with Jesus.
October 2021
Worthy of Honor
In Philippians 1:27, Paul encourages Christians to live “lives worthy of the gospel.” In chapter 2 he says that begins by changing our mindset to think like Jesus, the he closes the chapter by giving examples of two people who are living that life. How are we living?
Shine Like Lights
After explaining how Jesus considered His life on earth, Paul explains how we can be more like Him. When we follow the example of Jesus, our lights can shine to point others to Him.
Think Like Jesus
In Philippians 2, Paul tells Christians that we should think differently. Scientists call it neuroplasticity. Paul calls it having the same mind as Jesus. It begins with thinking of others and leads to God being glorified.
Live For Jesus
Philippians 1:21 might be one of the most quoted verses in the entire book. “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Paul can make that statements because of what he knows about his Lord. In the second half of chapter 1, he explains what he knows.
September 2021
Good News or Bad News
Several years ago, Ford had the slogan, “Quality is job 1.” For Christians, the gospel is our priority. It comes above other allegiances, interests and activities. The message and its impact are too important to let other things distract from it.
A Healthy Church
Paul is thankful for the church at Philippi and encourages them to continue to be a healthy church. In the first half of Philippians 1, he explains how they can be healthy Christians who bear fruit.