October 2022

Rooted in Love

Because of their new identity in Christ, Paul continues his prayer for the church at Ephesus as he closes chapter 3. He wants God to give them strength and help them be rooted in love. As a result, they will be able know God better.

Spiritual Citizenship

Paul begins Ephesians 2 by reminding the church they used to be dead in sin but now have life because of God’s rich mercy. In the second half of the chapter, he reminds them they used to be outsiders and are now part of the family of God. God’s love and mercy can give us a place to belong.

September 2022

Rich In Mercy

There is nothing we could do to earn the gift of salvation. God’s rich mercy provides it to us. That gift changes how we live.


We appreciate receiving mercy but are sometimes hesitant to give it. God is merciful. Jesus is an example of mercy in human form. We should follow His example to be merciful, because we have received mercy beyond anything we deserve.


In scripture, we often learn about awareness using the word “watchfulness.” This week, we see the importance of being aware of ourselves in our life situations and the importance of being ready for Christ’s return.

Clear Vision

After detailing the many blessings of being in Christ, Paul prays for the Ephesian church. He wants them to see more clearly what God is doing, so they can know more clearly who He is. They will not only know God, but they will also be known by Him.


The Trinity is a community that cooperates in love. God designed us to work in cooperation with each other.  When Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem to lead the effort to rebuild the wall, we witness the obstacles to cooperation and what it looks like to overcome them.

Spiritual Blessings

Paul begins his letter to the Ephesians by reminding them of all the spiritual blessings that result from being in Christ. We continue to be blessed in the same ways by a God who loves us.


Endurance is a common characteristic of the heroes of faith in scripture. They knew that with God, they could stand firm in any test. Paul is a great example of endurance, and he writes about it in almost all of his New Testament letters.

Anywhere With Jesus

This week we will preview our series on Ephesians by looking at Paul’s time in Ephesus in the book of Acts and his later visit with the Ephesian elders. He wanted them to know what he knew. The message is still for us today. Anywhere we go, Jesus will be there with us.
