September 2022
Spiritual Blessings
Paul begins his letter to the Ephesians by reminding them of all the spiritual blessings that result from being in Christ. We continue to be blessed in the same ways by a God who loves us.
August 2018
Jesus and Saul
Howard Norton has spent his life furthering the gospel and strengthening the church through his work in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, Brazil and other places around the world. He spent years as the editor of the Christian Chronicle as well as working with Oklahoma Christian University and Harding University. We are blessed to have him with […]
Jesus and the Boy With an Unclean Spirit
Layne Heitz from Durant is with us this week for our Encountering Jesus guest speaker series. Layne talks about the time Jesus healed a boy with an unclean spirit in Mark 9 and the example of faith we can learn from the encounter.
Jesus in the Temple
Wendell Ingram from Wapanucka is with us this week. He talks about the story in Luke 2 where the 12 year old Jesus amazes the adults at the temple with His understanding of scripture. Like Jesus, we should always be growing.
Jesus and Nicodemus
Phillip Johnson from West Side Church of Christ in Norman is with us this week as we finish the second month of our summer series, Encountering Jesus. He talks about John 3, where Nicodemus comes to Jesus and learns about being born again.
July 2018
Jesus and the Woman Caught in Adultery
This week Jacob Hawk from the Faith Village Church of Christ in Wichita Falls talks about this story from John 8, where a woman caught in adultery is brought before Jesus with the intent of trapping Him with the impossible question of how she should be punished. Instead Jesus diffuses the situation showing His compassion […]
Jesus and the Woman at the Well
In New Testament days, Jews and Samaritans did not get along. Jews would go as far as avoiding Samaria altogether when traveling. So why would it say early in John 4 that Jesus “had to go through Samaria.” He went there for a purpose. Instead of water, the woman He met at the well would […]
Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet
We resume our guest speaker series with Nathan Mellor from Oklahoma City. Nathan emphasizes the importance of service in our lives using the example of Jesus in John 13.
June 2018
Jesus and Zacchaeus
Casey LaValley from the Fittstown Church of Christ is with us this week to talk about Zacchaeus. We should all want to see Jesus as desperately as Zacchaeus did, and our lives should exhibit the same kind of transformation.
Jesus and the Children
Our summer series continues with guest speaker, Dan Mayfield. Southwest supports his ministry with the church in Owatonna, Minnesota. Dan talks about how Jesus interacted with children and why that example is important to Christians today.