February 2020
Walking on Water
As they begin to cross the lake, the apostles are traveling without Jesus. When the storms arise, they encounter Him walking across the lake. The rest of the trip is smooth once they are traveling with Him. Where is Jesus in your journey?
Loaves and Fish
Until the week of His crucifixion, there is only one event in the life of Jesus that is recorded in all four gospels: the feeding of the five thousand. We can learn a lot about Jesus and what He prioritizes through the lessons of this story.
As we continue looking at how spiritual disciplines can help transform our lives, we talk about one of the most transformative disciplines: prayer. Scripture teaches us that prayer is powerful, because it better connects us with our powerful God. We can all learn how and why to pray.
In John 4 and 5, Jesus heals two people who come from very different places in society. We learn that His power is not bound by location or law, and His compassion extends to all kinds of people. Although the miracles themselves are amazing, the signs always point to Jesus.
January 2020
Bible Study
To understand God and how we should live for Him, Christians have to spend time studying His word. How we go about that study will have a great impact on the outcome. Our goal is not just to gather more information. Our goal is transformation.
Living Water
In John 3 and 4, Jesus spends time talking one on one with people at opposite ends of society. Nicodemus was a respected leader of the Jews. The Samaritan woman at the well was likely a social outcast. Both of them gained more than they could imagine from their time with Jesus. He came for […]
Words of Life
We often remember Nicodemus because he came to visit Jesus at night. Instead consider what he brought when he visited Jesus: an open mind. Nicodemus knew that Jesus was from God, so he wanted to learn as much as he could about how to find life.
We do not talk about meditation very often, but it is mentioned frequently in the Bible. Have our lives become so busy that it is difficult to slow down and meditate on God, His works and His word?
Water Into Wine
The first miracle of Jesus recorded by John is not a life-changing healing or the feeding of a multitude. Jesus changes water into wine for a wedding that had run out. Even in this first sign we learn that Jesus always goes above and beyond what is expected.
Back to Basics
Why do we need disciplines? This week we begin a new series about Spiritual Disciplines. Our longing for God and desire to grow require the presence of disciplines in our lives.