A Model of Good Works

A few weeks ago, I shared part of an article from Wes McAdams, Preaching Minister at the church of Christ on McDermott Road in Plano, Texas. Wes has written a series of articles about what he learned by reading the Bible one book at a time. In the first part of his article about the Pastoral Epistles (1 Timothy, 2 Timothy and Titus), he emphasized ideas for leaders. In the second part of his article, we find something that should be part of the daily walk of all Christians: doing good works.
One of the most important parts of both Timothy and Titus’ roles was modeling good works. If Timothy and Titus taught the truth about Jesus, but their life did not reflect the Spirit’s sanctifying work, then their teaching would be in vain. This, of course, does not mean Timothy and Titus had to be perfect, but it does mean teaching and preaching always brings a level of scrutiny for which these men needed to be prepared.
These are the sort of instructions Paul gave to them.
  • Pursue righteousness.
  • Pursue faith.
  • Pursue love.
  • Pursue peace.
  • Avoid controversies and quarreling.
  • Be kind to everyone.
  • Patiently endure evil.
  • Correct opponents with gentleness.
I love what Paul wrote to Timothy, “The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” The goal of everything Paul was doing was love. Love that issues from a pure heart. Paul knew that in order for his own ministry to be successful and for the ministries of his protégé to be successful, they had to all model love and work to bring about love in their life of the church.
When love is our goal and good works are our actions, God is glorified. Let’s do the good works God has planned for us to do this week.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. – Matthew 5:16

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