February 2018
Have Faith
As Jesus performs three miracles in Matthew 8, we can obviously see His amazing power at work. In the things we see Him do in these stories, we also learn about who Jesus is.
January 2018
It’s Gonna Rain
The story of Noah and the Ark is neither just a children’s story nor just a story of destruction. At its core it is a reminder of the faithfulness of God and how we can rely on His promises.
Passing the Test
In Matthew 4 Jesus is tested and that testing reveals how we should handle being tested. At each challenge Jesus not only answers with scripture, but He has the understanding of how those scriptures should be applied. God’s word can help us pass the tests of life.
In His Steps
As people begin to start over outside the Garden of Eden, they are faced with more options. In Genesis 4 and 5 we see the consequences of bad choices, and we are reminded of the importance of walking with God.
There Is Water in the Plan
Jesus is baptized in Matthew 4 to “fulfill all righteousness” and to be an example for us. There’s nothing magical about the water, but is part of the process that brings us into a relationship with God. This week we will discuss the importance of baptism.
The Image of God
God concludes the sixth day of creation by creating man. This part of his creation was different from the rest, because he was mad in the Image of God. It did not take long for Adam and Eve to set that distinction aside in search of their own path.
A Savior Is Born
The world was forever changed when God sent His only Son in an unusual way to live among His creation. This week we look at the story of the birth of Jesus in Matthew 2.