March 2018

You Are the Messiah

In Matthew 16 Jesus asks His disciples a simple question: “Who do you say I am?” Peter’s confession becomes the foundation for the church that we are still a part of today. He is the Messiah. He is the fulfillment of God’s plan, and He gives us hope in eternity.   


The covenant with Abraham that is fulfilled through Isaac is woven throughout scripture, even into the New Testament. God’s story is a reminder of His faithfulness to His promises. We can still be a part of His story. Knowing His truth brings us freedom.  

Save Me

Although Peter has the courage and boldness to step out of the boat and walk on water with Jesus, he is quickly distracted and rescued from the waves. This lesson from Matthew 14 encourages us all to keep our focus on Jesus.  


The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is a difficult one, because many struggle with the concept of the wrath of God. That difficulty is compounded by the issues related to the sin in those cities and how they are approached in our current culture. We learn that there are many sins that intertwine in this […]

Jesus Feeds the 5000

After learning about the death of John the Baptist, Jesus wanted to get some time to Himself and with God. The crowd had other ideas. Rather than reacting in frustration, Jesus had compassion and concern for their needs. What follows is another miracle where Jesus does the impossible and does it extravagantly. Our God can […]

February 2018

The Covenant

God’s covenant with Abraham contains promises of assurance, protection and reward. Like us Abraham believes but struggles with letting go of control to trust in God’s ways and timing. God loves to do the impossible and work His plan in ways we can’t even imagine.  


Are you weary? Do you have burdens? Jesus calls you to Him in Matthew 11. God designed us to be people who need to work but also should take time for rest.  


In Matthew 10 we are introduced to the 12 disciples (apostles) of Jesus. Jesus gives them instructions about how to go spread the good news and what kind of results they might find. We can have similar experiences today. Whether accepted or rejected, we should continue to share about Him. It’s an essential part of […]


As Abram is called to go to a place he does not know to live among strangers, God blesses him and tells him in turn to be a blessing. Regardless of our circumstances, location or how our culture changes, God expects us to be a blessing to the people around us.  

Confusion and Clarity

In Genesis 11 people continue to advance in numbers, knowledge and abilities. When they decide to builder a tower to the sky for all the wrong reasons, God affects their ability to communicate. In His time that communication returns for the best reason.