June 2018


Of all the unlikely heroes of faith in scripture, Rahab may be the most unlikely. She was a prostitute and a resident of the land the Israelites were preparing to conquer. Her decision to help the spies that Joshua sent into the land changed her path in ways she could never have imagined. If God […]

The Lost Son

The son in this parable thinks he has life all figured out and know exactly what he needs to be happy. He soon discovers just how wrong he is and wants nothing more than to go home again. Regardless of the road we choose in life, our Father wants us to do the same. We […]


Joshua first comes on the scene as a spy who shows faith and later follows Moses as God’s leader of Israel. Through it all his courage helps us see the power of God at work.  

The Wedding Banquet

In this parable a king invites people to a wedding banquet for his son. Those who are invited are unwilling to attend for various reasons, but the king’s plan does not end there. What things in our lives stop us from accepting God’s invitation?  


As God’s people again did evil in His eyes, they struggled to see where He was and why bad things were happening to them. Through Gideon, God brings a great victory in a way that magnifies His power and shows His faithfulness.  

The Sower

The message is as true and needed today as it ever has been. We know the reception will not always be what we hope for. We know it will not always take root and grow in each person. Oh, but when it does; it can multiply and change lives. Keep sharing the good news. Keep […]

May 2018


We begin a new series on Sunday evenings this week dealing with Bible heroes. These people of faith were flawed, but God was able to do great things through them in spite of their flaws. The story of Samson is a great example of that. God grants a victory over the Philistines, but Samson is […]

Count the Cost

Following Jesus is the best thing a person can do, but it is not always easy. In this parable from Luke 14, Jesus warns that any of His followers should first count the cost of discipleship before taking that first step. (There are audio distortion issues with this recording. We hope to have it fixed […]


At its core, the Parable of the Talents is actually about money. In the time of Jesus the word we translate “talent” was a measure either by weight or coinage of money, not the skills or abilities we think of today. That being said, the parable does speak to the principle of what we should […]

Because I Asked

We take a one week detour from our Parables series to talk about the story of Hannah from 1 Samuel 1. Hannah’s faithfulness and prayer is an example to us, as we turn first to God with our struggles, needs and thanksgiving.