September 2018


It’s easy to be joyful when things are going well, but how can we find joy in hard times? This fruit of the Spirit is within our grasp, and God shows us the path to find it.  

God Hears

The book of Genesis closes with one of the children of Israel, Joseph, leading the effort to save Egypt from famine. As the book of Exodus begins, the Israelites find themselves enslaved by the same nation they helped save. Although they may feel as if they have been forgotten, God hears their cries.  


This week we begin a new series about the fruit of the Spirit. The first fruit named in the list in Galatians 5 is the fruit by which we should be known–love.  

By Faith

Our “Heroes of Faith” series concludes this week with a survey of Hebrews 11. Each of these significant characters of the Bible is a person just like us, and their faith allows God to work through them in amazing ways. What can God do with your faith?  

Lost and Found

We close out our Parables series with three parables from Luke that teach how much God cares for the lost and what he looks for in us.  

August 2018


Onesimus is an unlikely hero, especially since it seems like everyone around him has the power to change his life. He is caught in the middle between Paul who values him as a brother and Philemon who is likely upset with his runaway slave. In his story we see the conflict between cultural norms and […]

The Dishonest Manager

It’s unusual to have a parable where someone is described as dishonest and later commended for his actions. This parable from Luke 16 uses unusual circumstances to teach us about how to handle conflict and understand the plight of others.  

The Kingdom

In Matthew 13, there are several parables dealing with the kingdom of heaven. These parables build up to the three we look at this week that emphasize the value of the kingdom and the need to be a part of it. It’s for that reason that we share the message with others.  

The Tenants

In another parable dealing with a vineyard, we learn about how people struggle with authority. More importantly we see that God loves us so much that He keeps giving us opportunities to make our relationship right with Him.  

The Return From Exile (Zerubbabel, Nehemiah & Ezra)

This week we have a 3-for-1 in our Heroes of Faith series. As the Israelites return from exile, they are led by Zerubbabel, Nehemiah and Ezra to rebuild the temple and wall and renew their covenant with God and His law.