May 2019

Passing Judgment

This week we continue looking at Romans 14 and how to handle disagreement. One of the difficulties in handling disagreement is our tendency to assume the motives of others. Scripture tells us that only God knows those motives, and He alone is our judge.  

Cut to the Heart

In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit empowers the apostles to communicate people from all over the world who have come to Jerusalem. When the crowd hears the story of Jesus they are cut to the heart, and their lives are forever changed.  

April 2019

A New Mission

This week we begin a new series about the book of Acts. In chapter 1, the Apostles are given a new mission: to be witnesses of Jesus. It is a mission that we continue today. Each of us should be ready to tell His story.  


On a day that seemed like all was lost and hopelessness reigned, the tomb was found empty. Because of the resurrection of Jesus, we too can experience resurrection. He has overcome death and prepared a place for us.  

Encountering Jesus After the Resurrection

Our series on the Gospel of Luke concludes with the lesson from Luke 24. As people encounter the resurrected savior, we can learn some important things about who He is and who we can be.  

Getting Along

Tonight we begin a new series about how to handle conflict as Christians. We know that Jesus prayed that we would have unity. Do we believe unity is possible, and what are we doing to work together better?  

At the Cross – Part 1 – Introduction

This week we focus on the cross. The thoughts are in four short sections with songs centered around the theme. Singing throughout the auditorium is not recorded. We have included the order of the service with links to each song, if you would like to listen to the service as it was intended. Love is […]

At the Cross – Part 2 – The Betrayal and Arrest

This week we focus on the cross. The thoughts are in four short sections with songs centered around the theme. Singing throughout the auditorium is not recorded. We have included the order of the service with links to each song, if you would like to listen to the service as it was intended. Love is […]

At the Cross – Part 3 – The Denial and Trials

This week we focus on the cross. The thoughts are in four short sections with songs centered around the theme. Singing throughout the auditorium is not recorded. We have included the order of the service with links to each song, if you would like to listen to the service as it was intended. Love is […]

At the Cross – Part 4 – The Cross

This week we focus on the cross. The thoughts are in four short sections with songs centered around the theme. Singing throughout the auditorium is not recorded. We have included the order of the service with links to each song, if you would like to listen to the service as it was intended. Love is […]