December 2018

God’s Dwelling

Beginning in Exodus 25, God gives instructions on how to build and furnish his dwelling, the Tabernacle. Each element symbolizes something about God and His relationship with his people. And each element foreshadows what His Son will do in the New Testament.  

How Can This Be?

The Gospel of Luke begins with Zechariah and Mary receiving visits from an angel. Each of their lives was about to change forever as they became part of God’s plan to save those who will follow Him.  

Who Is Jesus?

What would you expect a king to be like? From the time Israel first wanted a king, they had something in mind. God sees past those things to the heart. The king that God has in mind is only found in Jesus. He does not fit any mold man has created.  

God’s Patience

As the Israelites leave Sinai, we find them in the midst of one of their regular habits: complaining. It’s easy for us to focus on the negative and be overcome by it. Throughout the story, we see God’s patience with His people and reminders of His faithfulness.  


Hope is so much more than wishing or waiting. True hope is found in Jesus.  

November 2018

Approaching God

God’s communication with Moses did not end with the ten commandments. He gave many guidelines about worship, personal interaction and responsibility. Meanwhile the Israelites were breaking the commandments they were about to receive.  


Our nation sets aside this time each year to be thankful. As Christians we have plenty to be thankful for every day. In Colossians 3 we learn that thankfulness starts with where our mind is set.  

God’s Guardrails

Guardrails serve to keep us on the right path and help us avoid danger. In Exodus 20, God provides the ten commandments as guardrails to help His people understand how to relate to Him and to each other.  


Our Fruit of the Spirit series concludes this week with one that many of us struggle with from time to time: self-control. This list in Galatians 5:22-23 begins with a foundation of love and ends with self-control. It seems that both of these flow throughout all the work of the Spirit in the life of […]

What God Has Done

Sometimes it takes someone from the outside looking in to help us see things that should be obvious. Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, provides that perspective this week in Exodus 18. He clarifies that Moses is trying to do too much, and the central character in this story is God.