March 2019
Inside Out
The Pharisees and experts in the law that Jesus addresses in Luke 11 have the same problem that many people have: they are so concerned with outward appearances that they forget what is important. God calls us all to be transformed from the inside out.
The Will of God
Each month in 2019, we will spend one Sunday evening addressing a question submitted by one of our church members. This week we discuss this question, “Do we use the phrase ‘It was God’s plan’ to much?” We will look at the difference between God’s wish, God’s will and God’s plan, and how these things […]
The instructions Jesus gives to the 72 sent out in Luke 10 offer us great insight as to how the world around us reacts to Christians and the story of Jesus. Like them, we should stay encouraged and motivated to tell others the good news.
February 2019
Your Will Be Done
In 1 Peter 2, Peter describes how part the will of God relates to how we interact with each other. Although we often think about God’s will for us, we glorify Him by honoring others.
Learning How to Move Forward
In Luke 9, there are a series of short events Jesus uses to teach His disciples. Like them, there will be times when we do not fully understand or feel equipped to follow, but Jesus reassures that we can continue learning and moving forward as we walk with Him.
What does it mean to be God’s chosen people? It is not as much about predestination as it is about God’s desire to have a relationship with those who follow Him. Although the benefits of that relationship are good, there are also responsibilities for His people and their relationships with others.
When Jesus and His apostles encounter a storm on the lake, He is the only one in the boat who is calm. As we encounter storms in life, He provides that same calm. We need to learn the lesson that people learned in Luke 8, Jesus is the first place to turn in our storms. […]
The woman who shows up for dinner at a Pharisees’ house in Luke 7 gives Jesus the perfect opportunity to teach about forgiveness. We can see ourselves in this story as the forgiven or the one needing to forgive. Too often we may also be the Pharisee who is unwilling to let both move on. […]
He Knows
We learn from scripture that God is all knowing. At times that may bring us comfort, and at times it may cause us to fear. In the end of this chapter we are assured that God’s knowledge is accompanied by a great love for His people. That should help us all remember that we are […]
Upside Down
In Luke 6 we find the Sermon on the Plain, which in many ways is an abbreviated version of the more well known Sermon on the Mount. Unlike the three chapter sermon in Matthew, this one only covers part of a single chapter. The basic message is the same. The life lived following the teachings […]