June 2019

When God Speaks

God communicates with people many times in scripture through different methods. Each time He speaks, we can learn something about who He is and who He calls us to be.  

Much Joy

In Acts 8 we find two people who handle notoriety in very different ways. Simon the magician uses the attention his magic brings to let people know how great he is. Philip uses the attention he gets from healing to point people toward Jesus. It’s another opportunity to be the witness that Jesus told His […]

Following Directions

God has directions for Balaam, and it seems that his intention is to ignore those directions. It takes an argument with his donkey to help Balaam see the power of God clearly. If God can use that donkey, how can He use us?  

Full of Grace and Power

In Acts 7, Stephen begins his defense of Jesus with Abraham. It is a great reminder that the many individual stories in scripture are connected by the story of God.  

The Capable Church

Christians have created many systems to handle church conflict while forgetting the system God created: the church. The same church that has been able to carry the message of Christ for nearly 2000 years has the capacity to manage its own conflict.  

Don’t Give Up!

As our nation celebrates fathers this weekend, we look at what the apostles teach us in Acts 5 about being better men of God.   A

Testing God

In Acts 5, we find one of the first negative stories in the early church. In a church that is unified and selfless, dishonesty could be a threat that would change all that. God takes that very seriously, and the church learns about the importance of truth.  

Two Natures

As we continue our series on how Christians should handle conflict, we look this week at how the nature of the gospel and human nature impact our working together.   


After healing the lame man in Acts 3, Peter and John find themselves in the custody of some of the same people that were involved in the crucifixion of Jesus. The Peter who denied Jesus at that time is a distant memory in Acts 4. The power of the Holy Spirit provides a boldness that […]

May 2019

God’s Greatest Desire

Is it really possible to know what God’s greatest desire is? If we knew, would we want to do everything within our power to make that happen? We can learn a lot about God’s desires based on the commandments He gives.   Confli