November 2019

The Pursuit of Righteousness

How can followers of God be ready for the work He has prepared for them? It all begins with running in the right direction. Paul encourages Timothy and us what to pursue and what to flee.  

Forgiven Forever

How can I know I’m really forgiven? Tonight we look at nine assurances God gives us in scripture, so we can have confidence in His forgiveness.  


In 2 Timothy 2, Paul encourages compares the walk of a Christian to a soldier, and athlete and a farmer. He encourages Timothy to consider how those qualities will help his own walk with God and the spread of the good news of Jesus.  

The Freedom of Forgiveness

As Christians we know that we need to forgive, but sometimes it’s so difficult. Is it really possible, and if so how do we do it? We learn through the teaching and example of Jesus.    


Paul writes his second letter to Timothy from a Roman prison. He feels that his life is nearing its end, but he encourages Timothy to choose love over fear and be convinced of what God has done and will do.  

October 2019

Let It Go

In 1 Corinthians 8, Paul addresses what to do when two groups with different opinions both believe they are right. Although knowledge is important, all things should be done in love.  

The Good Fight

Paul closes his first letter to Timothy with a charge to fight the good fight. To do that, it is necessary to flee the sin that holds us back and pursue the good that God intends for us.  


It seems like we are always wanting more. Society tries to convince us that there is just one more thing to buy to bring happiness. True contentment is only found in God and His promises.  


There are so many things in life that we wonder about. Sometimes our doubts can stop us in our tracks. God wants us to have peace and confidence, and He shows us the way to find them.  

Beneath the Surface

Both sin and good works may stay secret for a time, but eventually what is beneath the surface will come to light.