March 2020
Do As I Have Done
In John 13, Jesus does something that may seem to familiar to us this week. He moves from the large crowds of the previous chapter to a small group of close friends. In this setting He teaches them about love and service through His example. Even in uncertain times, we can still show His love. […]
God does not just call us to serve. He calls us to become servants. Seeking to be servants instead of being greatest is another way the disciplines transform us into who God designed us to be.
If You Had Been Here
The seventh major sign Jesus performs in John outdoes all the others. Everyone knew death was final. Jesus opens the door to resurrection. Because of Him, we can have life.
In a world where are inundated with voices, information and entertainment; it may seem nearly impossible to truly find solitude. In the life of Jesus, the example that it is needed is very clear. How can we find quiet within the noise?
I Can See
The healing of the blind man is more than just the sixth sign in John. It is more than just a change from blindness to sight. It is a journey in how he sees Jesus. What role does Jesus play in our lives?
February 2020
Jesus speaks frequently about money and how we should handle it. In a culture that tries to convince us that material things bring happiness and status, the discipline of simplicity is challenging but necessary.
Another Chance
The woman dragged before Jesus could not have felt more helpless and hopeless in her situation. But Jesus had something else in mind. He still offers hope to the hopeless.
We do not often talk about fasting. At its core, fasting is an opportunity to bring balance to our lives and declare that we are sustained by God. What do we need to go without to focus on Him?
Walking on Water
As they begin to cross the lake, the apostles are traveling without Jesus. When the storms arise, they encounter Him walking across the lake. The rest of the trip is smooth once they are traveling with Him. Where is Jesus in your journey?
Loaves and Fish
Until the week of His crucifixion, there is only one event in the life of Jesus that is recorded in all four gospels: the feeding of the five thousand. We can learn a lot about Jesus and what He prioritizes through the lessons of this story.