September 2022


Endurance is a common characteristic of the heroes of faith in scripture. They knew that with God, they could stand firm in any test. Paul is a great example of endurance, and he writes about it in almost all of his New Testament letters.  

August 2022

Sermon – Contentment

After a month off, we jump back into our Sunday evening series on character. People think there are things they can attain that will make them content, but true contentment is only found in God.  

July 2022


In a world filled with anxiety, there is one place we can look for calmness. When we find that calmness that God provides, we can be the non-anxious presence that those around us need.  


We see in scripture that patience is a characteristic of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Patience should be evident in our lives as well.  

June 2022


The way we work says a lot about our character. Work is important enough to God, that it is a major theme of more than thirty of the parables Jesus told. What can we learn about diligence from those parables?  


Where do we seek security? How can we provide security? Where do we find security? How we answer these questions reveals much about us.  


God, who is worthy of our respect, desires that we respect one another. People are worthy of respect, because they are made in His image.  


Persuasiveness can be used in good or bad ways. When we use it in the way God desires, it can help bring people to know Him.  

May 2022


Sharing Jesus with others requires us to be bold. That does not mean that we should be brash or rude. We follow the example of Jesus by overcoming fear to live lives that impact others for Him.  


When we think of commands in scripture, we might overlook hospitality. Although it begins as a command, God intends for it to become on of the most obvious things people see in His followers. Our hospitality flows out of His love for people.