October 2021

Think Like Jesus

In Philippians 2, Paul tells Christians that we should think differently. Scientists call it neuroplasticity. Paul calls it having the same mind as Jesus. It begins with thinking of others and leads to God being glorified.   

A Little Faith

Four times in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus challenges his followers because of their little faith. Sometimes our faith is too small. What causes our faith to shrink, and what can we do to help it grow?  

Live For Jesus

Philippians 1:21 might be one of the most quoted verses in the entire book. “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Paul can make that statements because of what he knows about his Lord. In the second half of chapter 1, he explains what he knows.  

September 2021

The Gospel Is For All

Jesus said that He came for the lost sheep of Israel, but He had several encounters with Gentiles. His interactions with them help illustrate how our obstacles can be overcome by the mission of God.  

Good News or Bad News

Several years ago, Ford had the slogan, “Quality is job 1.” For Christians, the gospel is our priority. It comes above other allegiances, interests and activities. The message and its impact are too important to let other things distract from it.  


The Great Commission is a mission given to all followers of Jesus. It is up to Christians to go throughout the world and make disciples who make disciples.  

A Healthy Church

Paul is thankful for the church at Philippi and encourages them to continue to be a healthy church. In the first half of Philippians 1, he explains how they can be healthy Christians who bear fruit.  

August 2021

A Prescription

James closes his letter with a prescription for what ails us. Whether our suffering is from a medical problem, a sin problem or being too far away from God, the solution begins with prayer and community.  

Changing Seasons

The summer of marriage is where all couples want to be. The relationship is comfortable and secure. When we are not in summer yet, we can work proactively to change our seasons.  

Waiting Patiently

Many people like the book of James because of its practical ideas. In the middle of chapter 5, James brings many of those ideas together to show how we can live and grow in our walk with Jesus.