January 2022
Hear and Do
Jesus teaches in the Sermon on the Mount that living for God is about more than the rules. The rules they knew so well had purposes behind them. Understanding those purposes better helps us understand Him better. Living those purposes out helps us to be more of who He created us to be.
On Sunday evenings in 2022, we will be looking at character traits mentioned in scripture. We begin this week by discussing the importance of character and examples of good and bad character from the Bible.
Jesus begins the Sermon on the Mount by describing people who are blessed in various ways. Being blessed is not about how well life’s circumstances are going. It is a result of God being sovereign in your life.
As we begin a new year, we take a look at how Jesus started His ministry. Following His example will help us begin well.
December 2021
God With Us
Matthew begins his gospel with the genealogy of Jesus to tell the human side of His birth story. He then moves to the fulfillment of prophecy to emphasize the divine part of the story. Jesus comes to earth to be God with us.
The Greatest
No study of love would be complete without a discussion of the love chapter: 1 Corinthians 13. Paul likely did not write it with weddings or wall art in mind. Instead it helps the Corinthian church and us better understand what the love we are to be known for should look like.
Family Tree
We begin a study of the Gospel of Matthew this week with a part of the book that is sometimes overlooked: the Genealogy of Jesus. God orchestrates this family tree from an unlikely cast of characters to bring our Savior to earth.
The Four Loves
Love is a major theme throughout the Bible. On Sunday evenings in December, we will talk about love and how important it is to love God and others. This week we look at four Greek words that express different kinds of loves using the book, The Four Loves, by C.S. Lewis as a starting point. […]
Looking for Love
Love is a major theme throughout the Bible. On Sunday evenings in December, we will talk about love and how important it is to love God and others. This week we look at several scriptures that explains what love is.
Finding Contentment
How can Paul, who has been imprisoned for the gospel, talk so much about joy, peace and thankfulness? He answers that question in the concluding chapter of Philippians. He has learned the secret of the contentment that comes with being in Christ.