June 2022

What Fathers Do

This Father’s Day, we look at what God does as a father, and how father’s are called to follow His example with their own children.  


God, who is worthy of our respect, desires that we respect one another. People are worthy of respect, because they are made in His image.  

The Spirit of God

It is clear in scripture that the Holy Spirit is divine. Our desire to know everything we can about God should include a desire to learn about the Spirit.  


Persuasiveness can be used in good or bad ways. When we use it in the way God desires, it can help bring people to know Him.  

The Spirit of Power

Before Jesus ascends into heaven, he tells His apostles to wait for what He has promised. Soon after, they are filled with the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. After that day, they are forever changed. The presence of the Spirit still changes lives today.  

May 2022


The Bible details many feasts, days and rituals God asks His people to recognize. These remembrances are gifts from God to His people who easily forget what He has done. Remember our God and how He loves us.  


Sharing Jesus with others requires us to be bold. That does not mean that we should be brash or rude. We follow the example of Jesus by overcoming fear to live lives that impact others for Him.  

Sharing Jesus

“Have you no desire to see others converted by the gospel? Would you steal to heaven alone, and carry none of your neighbors with you?” – William Gurnall (1616-1679)   As followers of Jesus, our answer to those questions should be a resounding no. But words are not enough. We need to live lives that […]

Serving Our Community

In Jeremiah 29, God instructs the exiles to seek the welfare of the city. His expectation is the same for us. As individuals and as a church family, we want to actively serve our community.  


When we think of commands in scripture, we might overlook hospitality. Although it begins as a command, God intends for it to become on of the most obvious things people see in His followers. Our hospitality flows out of His love for people.