August 2019

Devoted to Prayer

However life is going for the church in the first 12 chapters of Acts, there is one constant: prayer. The 1st century church prayed consistently, and they saw those prayers answered. We need to follow that example and know that God hears us too.

July 2019

Negative to Positive

It is in God’s nature to turn negatives into positives. In Acts 11, the scattering of people that resulted from the persecution of the church was used by God to help the church grow. And a trip by Barnabas to check on the church in Antioch encouraged them to grow in their new faith.  

The Gospel Is for All

In Acts 10 everything will change for the church. To this point, the good news of Jesus has been taught to the Jewish people. When Peter and Cornelius meet, the door is opened to the Gentiles. God wants all people to come to know Him.

I Saw the Light

To a member of the church in the first century, there would be no more unlikely person to become a brother in Christ than Saul. Saul believed his purpose in life was to rid the world of Christianity. When he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus, all that changed. God truly can use anyone. […]

Do You Understand?

In Acts 8, Philip teaches the Ethiopian about Jesus, and it leads to his baptism. This story emphasizes the importance of sharing the story of Jesus and how the response of followers throughout the book of Acts includes baptism.  

June 2019

Much Joy

In Acts 8 we find two people who handle notoriety in very different ways. Simon the magician uses the attention his magic brings to let people know how great he is. Philip uses the attention he gets from healing to point people toward Jesus. It’s another opportunity to be the witness that Jesus told His […]

Full of Grace and Power

In Acts 7, Stephen begins his defense of Jesus with Abraham. It is a great reminder that the many individual stories in scripture are connected by the story of God.  

Don’t Give Up!

As our nation celebrates fathers this weekend, we look at what the apostles teach us in Acts 5 about being better men of God.   A

Testing God

In Acts 5, we find one of the first negative stories in the early church. In a church that is unified and selfless, dishonesty could be a threat that would change all that. God takes that very seriously, and the church learns about the importance of truth.  


After healing the lame man in Acts 3, Peter and John find themselves in the custody of some of the same people that were involved in the crucifixion of Jesus. The Peter who denied Jesus at that time is a distant memory in Acts 4. The power of the Holy Spirit provides a boldness that […]