Through the good and bad, the ups and downs, we want to live our lives in a way that pleases God. I think that Paul would tell us the key to that life is letting love guide our actions. That does not mean always agreeing with everyone. Paul had sharp disagreements with people. That does not mean assuming that every action people take is alright. Several times Paul lists ungodly actions to avoid. It does not guarantee a series of successes or a life of nothing but happiness. Paul gets in difficult situations because of his love for God and others. Still, love guiding our actions help us with that life lived in good conscience.
Love changes how we approach other people. Love should change how others see us. Love lets us give the benefit of the doubt. Love helps us forgive. Love allows us to live our lives in good conscience before God, just as Paul did. Paul was clearly bold, knowledgeable and driven; but all of those characteristics were built on a foundation of love for God, love for the church and love for people. When Paul faced false accusations from people who were threatened by his ability to motivate and lead, he knew he was acting in love. He knew he was pleasing God.
We should all let love be the foundation of our conversations and encounters with people this week. Let’s live lives of good conscience because we share in the hope that Paul had.
– Brian
“Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” – 1 Peter 4:8